
time is ticking on your debts…

make it count with international debt recovery

International Debt Collection

We specialise in international debt recovery, cross-border debts for banks and other lending institutions: 

Our strategies are always driven by ‘affordability’ for customers and therefore ‘fairness’. 

Traditionally this debt has been hard to recover as non-UK banks struggle to trace residents outside of their own jurisdiction, and often discover that even if they find the individual, the credit agreement is difficult to enforce outside of their own legal system.

In association with fully licensed tracing agents using modern field tracking techniques, we believe that we can find an individual. Once found, we then employ a strong and effective strategy to recover as much of the foreign debt as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our strategies focus first of all on negotiated settlements, but help is on hand from a team of lawyers when the UK legal system is required to secure fair legal collection.

We break down the barriers normally associated with recovering non-residents’ debt and customers failing to meet the terms and conditions of credit agreements in a foreign country. We are so confident of our approach, which benefits banks and their customers alike, we are often prepared to offer our combined services on a no-collection, no-fee basis. If we can earn a negotiated commission percentage on the amount collected, this can provide a simple and effective collection scheme, with no risk at all to our banking clients and also no penalty or prejudice to the defaulting customer.

In this difficult global economic climate, recovering foreign debt, which previously would have been written off, is a strategic way of securing profits. IDR is the strategic choice for the future. 

For customers faced with credit card or loan debt in Dubai or any other Emirate within the UAE, please refer to the IDR Worldwide FAQ page to help you navigate UAE debt issues and UAE debt solutions.